A Message from the Pastor
Dear Friend in Faith,
Welcome home. Welcome to our beautiful church with the words of prophet Isaiah: “The land that was desolate and impassable shall be glad; and the wilderness shall rejoice, and flourish like the lily.”
We are glad you have chosen to be with us…whether to share in the Eucharist or to seek reconciliation or simply rejoice among the sacred, all while drawing ever nearer to our Lord.
For this is a house built on faith. Every brick, stone, every work of art and marvelous panel of stained glass you find here is the prayerful offering of one who came before you.
Years ago, people worshiped here in a little log house which served for a church. But they looked past that and prayerfully envisioned with Father John Fahey a spiritual oasis by building the beautiful brick edifice which now stands in the place of our little log church of former years.
For many, St. Patrick is known for its Irish Picnic. Nonetheless, these good people reached deep into their treasure, and into their hearts, all to help to support our catholic education and sustain our heritage for generations of Christ’s faithful yet to come.
Here then is the dream they envisioned, the fruit of their labors, and ours, a House of God whose foundation is Christ and which rests upon the most solid of pillars—faith, hope and love.
With our collective charism of ‘family’ and ‘support’ we have become true partners in our work. And our continued involvement and sacrifices are even now touching the lives and hopes of many families.
In your time here today and long after, I hope you’ll give solemn thought to joining our family and supporting our works by perhaps choosing to memorialize a loved one or honoring your own family name- prominently, in perpetuity.
Most importantly, your heart will be reaching out, sharing in our ministry while sharing Christ’s love, His life and His light with families to come…from today and through ten thousand tomorrows.
In the Love of Jesus and Mary,
Rev. Zack Kirangu