On Sunday, October 23, 2022 we celebrated The Rite of Acceptance for those who are seeking full communion with the Catholic Church. This Rite marks the beginning of the Catechumenate which is a time for nurturing and growth in faith and conversion to God. As a church community we are all called to pray and support those who are on the journey to commit their life to Christ and be received into the Church at Easter: Danielle & Tanner Wilson, Thomas & Breanna Hooper, Jennifer Robison, Jessica Wallace, Forrest Horan and Joshua Avazquez (not pictured).
The St. Vincent de Paul Youth Society at St. Patrick Church in McEwen showed off their Vincentian quality of service by preparing and serving a dinner to leaders of the community including Bishop J. Mark Spalding, Father Zack Kirangu, pastor of St. Patrick, Humphreys County Sherriff Chris Davis, and the Dominican Sisters who teach at St. Patrick School on Tuesday, Sept. 27. Please see the full article HERE on the Tennessee Register website.
2022 will go down in history as the year that Roe v. Wade was overturned, and the renewal of a legislative challenge at both the state and national level to protect the lives of the unborn. That challenge takes on a laser-like focus during October, when we are called to consider more deeply why every human life is valuable as well as create a culture that protects life from conception to natural death. Click HERE for more information from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.