St. Vincent de Paul hosted the annual Giving Tree Breakfast on Saturday, December 16. The generosity of time, talent and monetary donations for the Giving Tree, Christmas hams and food for our Neighbors and all the behind the scene work done for the Christmas party for the children was amazing. Santa stopped by to visit, and the cooks, the servers, the Svdp Youth Group and their beautiful songs really enlivened the party. The photographer, the loaders, the people giving time to be there and assist in every way needed, and visitors from Erin who volunteered their time are greatly appreciated as well. The gifts for our Neighbors are the only gifts our children will see under their tree. It is most gratifying that our Lord put us in this position to help. SVdP gifted 34 families, 64 adults and 86 children.
You, the volunteers, are the very heart of our Ministry. May the Christmas peace and joy of our Lord remain with you all year!